The only leftover I really enjoy is lemon meringue pie. That doesn't mean I don't use leftovers -- that would be throwing away money -- I just prefer my leftovers to look like something new.
As a special after-holiday treat, my sister and I decided to order take-out from KFC. It was just supposed to be two three-piece chicken dinners, with sides of mashed potatoes and kernel corn. Turns out it was cheaper to buy the eight-piece bucket of chicken that came with two sides, biscuits, and a half gallon of sweet tea -- and, ta da!, built-in leftovers. Time to get creative in the kitchen.
Chicken-Egg-Cheese Casserole Is Born
There really wasn't enough chicken for two people unless it became part of a different dish, entirely. I wanted to use the solar oven because it was such a beautiful, sunny, day, with a temperature of 46°F. The chicken was already cooked, it was simply a matter of using fresh binders.
Discarding both skin and bones, the chicken was chopped into small pieces and placed in a bowl. Next, came one 10-ounce can of cream of
chicken soup, 2/3 soup can of very hot tap water, the leftover 1/2 cup of kernel corn, three slices of cubed white bread with crusts removed, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon whole-grain Dijon mustard, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/8 teaspoon ground cumin, 1/2 teaspoon basil, 1/2 teaspoon tarragon, and three medium eggs (room temperature). Mixture was then poured into a 8" x 8" lightly greased casserole dish. Spread 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese over the top with three slices of cheddar cheese, torn into strips, arranged over the mozzarella cheese, followed by a light sprinkling of parsley flakes and paprika for color.
A Light Solar-Cooked Dinner From Leftovers
It was 1:55PM when I placed the casserole in the 200-degree sun oven, using the SolarWear(tm) Heating Bag under it to create surrounding heat in a winter oven. I'm not sure the winter sun gets higher than 60 degrees in its trajectory here in North Carolina. I only had to wipe the inside of the door twice to remove the accumulated condensation, but lost very little heat. And, at 4:10PM, just as the sun slid below the top of the six-foot privacy fence, the casserole was done. This was just a little over two hours and not bad for a late start. Timing would have been closer to 1-1/2 hours and oven temperature around 225-degrees if it had been put in between 10:00AM and 2:00PM.
For a soft casserole dinner, I decided a fresh cabbage salad would add the much-needed color and crunch. Chopped Lime pickles was added to chopped fresh cabbage, then mixed with fresh mayonnaise and a touch of salt and pepper. Red and orange pepper rings held the cabbage salad in place.
All in all, a very delicious and thorougly satisfying meal from leftovers.

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ReplyDeleteHOW EXACTLY TO Clean A Home
ReplyDeleteCheap wedding venues in south jersey World War I The stalemate entrenchment of World War I officially brought the fighting knife back to the battlefield. THEREFORE I ran some errands arrive cleaning time and ensured I was back to unlock the home and present directions in regards to what I wanted at 2pm in case they were there right تنظيف خزانات بالرياض then... 2:30... 2:45..3pm.. 3:10... 3:12...Finally I texted Anita to observe if they were coming because after receiving an hour windows I thought the least someone could have done for an Initial cleaning appointment is definitely call and say they would be later on since I needed to be presently there to direct/fulfill this time.
This will help ensure your pro spends their time cleaning the parts of your home that matter most to you. I have already been cleaning houses on / off for a long time, it's about finding a genuine fit. I like to clean all افضل شركة تنظيف بالرياض of my bathrooms at once-make a quick trip around all the bathrooms in the house to clear counters and spray counters and tubs with cleaner, allow to sit while you clean toilets and wipe down the outer toilet surface.
I went online and booked... The website then told me my payment (50 buck fee to hold appointment)... Didn't proceed thru... Which I see other customers experienced the same issue with...(so it is clear the افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض online booking option needs to be improved) But PayPal said it did...but it had confirmed my 3pm appointment online... I was just a little baffled it it proved helpful or not I emailed them to be sure.
This means, however, that if a cleaning job isn't done to your satisfaction, you can take the issue up with the company or take them to court. My cleaning materials were used without asking me, شركة تنظيف بالرياض مجربه since then I have had to get some because the cleaner experienced emptied it. Things were not put back in its place after being moved to clean; I experienced to go round to sort this out.
Your jab at the "legal" people prospects us to believe that you think most cleaners are "illegals". 84% of cleaning staff offer this support, and charge an average of $19.37. If you're interested in adding any تنظيف الفلل الجديدة of these services to your standard cleaning, please specify in the special instructions field when you book your cleaning. Never in one thousand years would I function for anybody who thinks in this manner.
thank you my friend good job.
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