Didn't Know I Could Twitter But I'm Twittering Now
So, I'm a late-bloomer. I knew it would happen, sooner or later, because if it means taking care of business, I'll plunge into whatever the world is currently using to get the word out. And, whether I like it or not, Twitter is here for however long before the next big-techno thing and it's time for me to stop stalling. I want the word to spread about the benefits and joys of solar cooking and, if Twitter is one of the ways to go, I've got to figure it out.
Well, easier said than done!! Apparently, solar cooking is gaining in the world, because picking a name wasn't easy. My blog name is way too long, my book title is too long, and other easily thought of names were already taken. But -- wait, I had a name that isn't even out there, yet! I could use that and folks would catch on, wouldn't they? What is it? Solar Chief! That's the name. I am now officially Solar Chief on Twitter. See? You can follow me here
SolarChief on Twitter, and then click on my profile picture and something shows up that lets you follow me. Aren't they clever!
But Why 'Solar Chief' You Ask
I'm so glad you asked...Well, you can tell me the truth, have you been looking at the countdown at the