Monday, July 4

A Solar Fourth Of July - Redux

Happy Fourth of July!

Enjoying the holiday with family and friends and thought I'd repost last year's holiday meal to remind you how easy it is to combine dishes in a solar oven to create some fabulous meals. I still hate the looks of that delicious succotash -- definitely needed that red plate! Enjoy the Fireworks!!

Solar American Meal for Fourth of July
This is a short post with mostly pix of a solar cooked Fourth of July American Meal.
Starting top right, cooked in the husks corn on the cob; lower right, tender-roasted country-style beef ribs in sauce; garden-fresh succotash; and hook-sinking potato salad (for you single gals). Eggs and potatoes were cooked in the solar oven, yesterday, because the potato salad is fantastic after a night in the refrigerator. When they were done, I popped in a Blueberry Pandowdy for today's dessert.

Remove silks from corn but do not remove husks. Add butter, or not, and close husks around cob, hold in place with string or rubber bands. Place on SolarWear(tm) base and cover. Halfway through roasting, remove from oven and rotate; return to oven to finish cooking. These on right have finished roasting.

Prepare sauce the night before, add meat, refrigerate overnight; place meat in pan bottom, pour sauce over meat; cover (using tinfoil? create 'ditch' for inside edge.) Place in SolarWear(R) Carrier set.

It will all fit in the solar oven so I started with the beef ribs at about 10:30AM, then added the succotash (in canning jar and carrier) at 1:30PM, and threw in the corn at 2:30PM.  Dinner was ready at 5:00PM.

Temperature in solar oven is at 300F. Ribs on left, succotash upper right, and corn lower right. For dessert, I decided to go with a Blueberry Pandowdy I had cooked yesterday for my entry in Casey Angelova's American Meal event.

You can actually hear your hips grow eating this...but, well worth it!
Hope you all had a great Fourth!


  1. That food just looks delicious!

    I hope Your 4th of Juky was great!

  2. A thought to consider. When I cook corn in the husk "other ways", I leave the silks in until it's done. At that point they are wilted and wet and come out VERY easily as I husk. It saves a time-consuming step. You just ties up your ears without having to half peel them and re-wrap. you might want to try that. [Only small problem is that they are hot when you do husk them, but you have that anyway.]

    Enjoy your blog. May try some solar some day. Hope your oven does well.

  3. This looks scrumptious! Much better than the airplane food I had to eat yesterday :)

  4. Oh wow! What a terrific meal, and to think that you made all this delicious food in a solar cooker just blows me away. Yummy!

  5. Christer - Thank you. It was delicious... and my Fourth was great.

    Webb - Welcome, I hope you'll visit often... I used to leave the silks on till after they were roasted but discovered that meant I was the one removing the silks for my family at the end of cooking... by then, I'm ready to party!... and, thank you...

    Chile - I don't really know... some baked goods brown up beautifully and others stay sort of whitish on top... it could be the ingredients... will try to pay attention and see what I can come up with on this... I don't brush the tops with anything, so it must be the ingredients -- but, which ones??!?! hmmmm....

    Sarah - It was, and I'm so sorry you had airplane food on a holiday... bummer... but, at least you were coming or going to some place and that's a good thing, no?...

  6. When are you coming to my house to fit dinner?

  7. Hope that you had a great 4th July! I hope to be in the USA next year to celebrate with my family!!

  8. My mouth is literally watering right now and I can't help but think of all the amazing food that my family made this weekend, too!


  9. Wow! That looks like a very yummy meal! I hope you enjoyed your holiday!

  10. Looks like the perfect holiday meal! Hope you had a great 4th of July.

  11. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by today! That is pretty cool that you and your hubbie originated in my area!

  12. Hope that you had a great 4th July. It's the one holiday that I really miss now that I'm back in the UK x

  13. Hi Sharlene

    I hope you and your family had a nice 4th of July.

    Have a great weekend :-)


  14. Wow!! That looks amazing. Sorry I missed out on it. ;-)

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