25 Challengers - 25 Recipes - 3 Secret Ingredients - 1 Grand Prize Winner
Some of you may remember my winning original recipe using three random ingredients of champagne, mushrooms, and oranges here chosen by the previous winner of the The Royal Foodie Joust. There have been other contests, since then, but I've been busy and they've been revamping their site. Well, this Iron Foodie Contest is too irresistible, for me, because the winner gets a $200 certificate to spend at Marx Foods, which is just too good a prize to not participate. If you haven't visited the Marx Foods site, be prepared to drool! It's filled with wonderful gourmet foods from all over the world and they will be supplying eight mystery ingredients for contestants to use in original recipes. Three must be used in the recipe and the other five are gifts for entering the contest. There will only be 25 contestants chosen from entries based on
responses to the questions, below.
FB&M: Why do you want to compete in this challenge?
ST: The challenge of discovering new combinations for both local and exotic foods is too hard to resist. There are very few foods I don't enjoy and finding ways to incorporate solar cooking into mainstream contests makes it all the more exciting.
FB&M: Limitations of time/space notwithstanding, whose kitchen would you like to spend the day in & why? Julia Child, Thomas Keller, Ferran Adria, James Beard, Marie-Antoine Careme, or The Swedish Chef?
ST: Julia Child? No, saw all her shows, so I've sort of been there. Thomas Keller: Too much 'perfection' stress, for me, to have during a contest. (Love the sous vide method, though!) Ferran Adria? He's good but I'm staying away from processed foods, right now. The Swedish Chef? I've used the "tossing utensils - bork! bork! bork!" in my own kitchen, many times, but what exactly does a Muppet eat?... so, my choice is (bugle-blowing here) - Marie-Antoine Careme! A gifted chef of the Napoleonic period, his love of architecture inspired breathtaking sugar sculptures. He served kings and royalty, using local foods and seasonings in an unrestricted creative palette. Being able to pick his brain, whilst playing with new foods, flavors, and presentation, would be glorious!
FB&M: What morsel are you most likely to swipe from family & friends’ plates when they aren’t looking?
ST: Oh my goodness! As if I would ever do such a thing! Hands down, the last plump shrimp.
FB&M: Sum your childhood up in one meal.
ST: My childhood was filled with exploration and discovery, so my meal would start with a cup of vegetable bouillion, a small salad of mixed greens with strawberries, thinly-sliced beef heart medallions on a chard-spinach-onion base, contrasted with a blend of brown and wild rice with chopped pecans. Dessert is home made vanilla ice cream with peach brandy syrup.
FB&M: The one mainstream food you can't stand?
ST: Chipotle anything. Don't like to be attacked by my food.
So, that's it. Will have to wait for the judges' decision on whether or not I will be among the 25 contestants. Keep your fingers crossed for me.