What a wonderful surprise! Here I was, going about my business, and then looked over at my followers thingy and -- OMG -- I've reached 100. And, the counter has again returned to zero, but, this time, you're going to see my invention, a solar oven for the mainstream cook, the SolarChief
(R) Isn't it pretty! Many more details will follow -- this is just a sneak peek for you wonderful people who have been patient and following me lo these many months.
Never thought I'd get to 100 followers; honest. Just wanted to add recipes, tips and techniques to folks that were solar cooking, using my cookbook "
A Month of SUNdays -- Solar Cooking at Home" and continue to share that great experience. Solar cooking is still very much a niche in America but we're growing strong trying to use less fossil fuel energy and put some money back in our pockets.
Book II is almost ready for publication and my SolarChief
(R) solar oven will be debuting on May 28th at the Midtown Market on the Commons in the North Hills Shopping Center, Raleigh NC! That's my new 'home' for sales through November 19. A beautiful shopping mall and I'll be there every other weekend from 8am until Noon. Phew! What a month.
100. That's a magic number; right? And that means I should find a way to celebrate with you. A little give-away, perhaps? I'd love for it to be diamonds, Blahnik shoes, Gucci bags, but that just isn't in my budget and I've already given away 35 cars (just a joke, to see if you were paying attention! 8-) But, what I can do is give five of you a free copy of my cookbook -- a great beginner's way of discovering solar cooking for yourself!
If you would like to participate, leave me some comment love on this post and let me know why you would like to be a winner besides discovering the joys of solar cooking. Or, if you already are solar cooking, what do you like best about it? Comments will be numbered and on May 24th, at 11:55p.m., the five (5) winning comment numbers will be drawn and on May 25th, the winners will be announced in the Winners post, as well as notified by email. Good luck, to all of you! And, thank you for being followers!